“Chromatica” – “Rain on Me” by Lady Gaga / Ariana Grande

"Chromatica" - Lady GaGa "Rain on Me"

Lady Gaga has released the second single, “Rain on Me”, from her upcoming album, “Chromatica”, that is due for release May 29, 2020. Ariana Grande, who is no stranger to chart-topping pop hits, accompanies Lady Gaga this time around. 

Leading up to “Rain on Me”, Gaga’s prior single “Stupid Love” found the pop star departing from the sound of her prior album, “Joanne”, and reclaiming her spot in the electro/dance pop realm. Gaga’s new single looks to build upon that return to sound, and provides another glimpse into what we should expect from “Chromatica” later this month.

Lyrics: B

“Rain on Me” focuses on the theme of positivity and surviving hardship in its lyrics. As from the title of the song and sang throughout the chorus, the main word in this song is “rain”, which is used to represent hardship and misery through lyrics such as:

It’s coming down on me
Water like misery
It’s coming down on me


Ariana Grande’s verse captures the spirit of the song perfectly where she says:

Livin’ in a world where no one’s innocent
Oh, but at least we try, mmm
Gotta live my truth, not keep it bottled in
So I don’t lose my mind, baby, yeah

Picking Ariana Grande as a counterpart for this song falls perfectly in line with the song’s theme, as many know Ariana is no stranger to handling misfortune following the events of the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing, the passing of rapper Mac Miller, and the subsequent dissolution of her marriage to Pete Davidson.

Not So Tasty:

The context behind the song and lyrics requires knowing the history of both pop stars and the issues they have had to grapple — without that knowledge and just taking the lyrics at surface-level, they do not hint much further beyond the general idea of overcoming adversity and living out one’s truth. 

Production: B-

“Rain on Me” is a fast, uptempo song with a strong electronic dance beat that purveys most of the chorus.

The sound of “Rain on Me” instantly triggers the feeling of being in an electronic dance club. It comes off as familiar territory that Lady Gaga has traversed in the past, which is no surprise given the reminiscent sound of her prior single “Stupid Love”.

That familiar sound is what pulls listeners in who hearken back to the days when Lady GaGa dominated the pop industry with extreme force. Lady GaGa’s pop debut will always remain a moment of perfection, and so it is always exciting to hear an electronic pop track from Lady GaGa since she has been gone from that realm for some time.

Not So Tasty:
Unfortunately, that spark of initial excitement eventually wanes since the magic that Lady GaGa captured in previous pop efforts is not quite the same this time around.

The reminiscent dance theme of the earlier 2000s will no doubt bring many to the dance floor, but outside such a setting it comes off as sounding dated. Lady Gaga is known for creating new boundaries with her music, but “Rain on Me” feels safer and familiar rather than explorative. While this may help with the radio friendliness of the song, it may hurt the staying power of the song to simply not be forgotten when new songs hit the radio.

Replayability: B-

“Rain on Me” may not be an instant pop classic, but it is an easy and enjoyable listen while it lasts. The song carries a fun energy that keeps it from being exhausting even after multiple listens, and finds a happy balance between a demanding beat and vocals from both singers that keeps the song from becoming cluttered.

While “Rain on Me” may not be an easy enough listen for casual car rides, it makes a great listen for exercise or preparing for a fun night out.

Final Grade: B-

Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande’s first song together in “Rain on Me” is sure not to disappoint fans that have waited for this collaboration. Instead of possibly overpowering one another, Gaga and Grande find a perfect balance in this collaborative effort that makes the song feel genuine. And while it may not be a pop classic, “Rain on Me” is sure to be in rotation within electronic and dance clubs — when they reopen, that is.

“Chromatica” is set for release on May 29.

Color Vibe: Ice Blue

Season Vibe: Summer

Mood Vibe: Hopeful, Hyper, Excited, Hurt

Tags: Pop, Electro Pop, Dance Pop

Check out the music video for “Rain on Me” by Lady GaGa ft. Ariana Grande for the upcoming album, “Chromatica”, linked below.

Lady GaGa interviews with Zane Lowe to discuss working with Ariana Grande and releasing “Chromatica” here.


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